The Journey To Achieving Your Goals In Life Is Hard
Is life going great for you?
Have you achieved all your goals in life?
If your answer to the questions above is yes, great, then you do not need to be reading this article. However, for those in the other end of the spectrum – those that have goals they are working towards achieving, this post is for you.
Most people have dreams or goals they want to achieve before they leave this earth. But the path to achieving one’s goals is not as easy as it sounds. The worst part is as time goes, it looks like your dreams move farther away, and you are behind time.
I want to tell you this: The journey to achieving your goals in life is hard, but here are some tips that will help you along the way:
Short cuts are not always the best
Shortcuts are great because they get you faster to your goals. However, the truth is that they are not always the best path to follow.
You have got to be smart to know when to use shortcuts and when not to.
If you take shortcuts, you get cut short.
—Gary Busey
Failure is normal
There cannot be success if there is no failure.
When you fail, do not give up. Get up and try again.
Perseverance is key to achieving success as winners do not quit.
Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.
—Donald Trump
When you fail, assess your steps again to see where you need to improve the next time.
A mentor long departed told me that the greatest gift in political life, in any life, is to view yourself objectively, at arm’s length, to make an assessment of yourself. So whom do I rely on? I rely on myself.
—Hugh Carey
After accessing yourself and taking notes on what to improve on. It is important to take action.
A good idea is about ten percent implementation and hard work, and luck is 90 percent.
— Guy Kawasaki
There are so many distractions out there. So be watchful and remain dedicated to achieving your goals.
If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride – and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.
— Paul Bryant
Hard work
Hard work as some people say pays off. There is nothing good that can be achieved without hard work.
The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.
— Vince Lombardi
It is a hard world. So make the hard decisions that will bring you closer to your goals.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
—Lao Tzu