WASSCE / WAEC English Language Practice Test (Quiz)

Welcome to our WASSCE English Language quiz page.

While we offer the largest collection of WAEC past questions on the web, we decided it would be better to create a free WASSCE quiz page that’d test students in real time on various WASSCE subjects.

Questions in our WASSCE English Language quiz section have been carefully curated from WASSCE past questions and other helpful resources.

Forming the habit of practising questions prior to an exam is hard, but if you dedicate your time and effort to it, there’s no doubt you’d be better off.

Prepare for tricky, easy, and hard questions that can help you get closer to an A grade.

Quick Notes

  • The answer for each question on this practice test will be shown after you’ve made your choice.
  • Don’t cheat during the test. You would only be deceiving yourself if you do, so be strict with yourself.
  • Not all questions on this practice test include hints.
  • Contact us if you experience any problem on the test.

WASSCE / WAEC English Language Practice Test

Hit the start button below when you’re ready. Good luck!

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7 Responses

  1. Daisy says:

    Educating, this is impressive. Good job.

  2. Charles Gono says:


  3. junior says:

    Helpful for student

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