Failed The JAMB? Here’s What To Do To Fix It
Are you sad and troubled because you failed or achieved a poor result in the last JAMB examination? Dry your eyes as there is no use crying over spilled milk. The JAMB exams may have come and gone, but there is still another on the way which you can score a high result if you prepare early.
Are you sad and troubled because you failed or achieved a poor result in the last JAMB examination? Dry your eyes as there is no use crying over spilled milk. The JAMB exams may have come and gone, but there is still another on the way which you can score a high result if you follow the proven strategies in this content.
It may be difficult to go back to reading again after all the effort you must have put in while studying for the exam but if you don’t want to consider other alternatives which I will list in this article, pull yourself together and study one more time.

There is an idiom that goes, “Once bitten, twice shy.” Now you know what the exam entails, you are now in a better position to prepare better. We will look at what you can do to fix things if you’ve failed the JAMB:
Prepare For The Next Jamb Earlier
You might have failed the JAMB or achieved a poor JAMB result because you didn’t study well prior to the exam or JAMB didn’t release your result. Another reason is that you might have decided that there was no need to go through the JAMB syllabus or JAMB past questions and relied only on your secondary school notes.
You might have also been too busy with other activities like an after-school job which didn’t give you enough time to study properly for your exams. Another reason you might have failed JAMB was that you arrived late to the exam centre which made you disorganised or disqualified.
You need to identify the things that made you get a poor score in JAMB and avoid them. If you have a job that does not give you the time to read, resign and focus on one thing at a time. Take out time to cover your JAMB syllabus and also solve the past questions as they will help you calculate your accuracy and also identify areas you need to improve.
Study for the exams early so you can cover the JAMB syllabus before the exams. If you are through with secondary school, enrol in a tutorial center to keep your brain active and learn how to ace the exams. You can go through our definitive guide on how to pass the JAMB examination for more information.
Alternatives To Jamb
If you have failed JAMB and you don’t want to wait for another year to write the exams, you can immediately choose from the alternatives below before the opportunity is over.
Register For A Pre-Degree Course
Many universities in Nigeria offer pre-degree courses students through which students can gain admission into that university. If you feel that JAMB is another long wait and you need to stay busy, you can enrol for a pre-degree course in universities that offer it. These courses are mainly science courses so it’s best for a student who wants to study a science or engineering course.
If you can sit for their exams, you will get express entry into the university with no JAMB result. But you need to be careful not to put all your eggs in a basket. It is advisable to sit for both the pre-degree and JAMB exams.
Enrol For A Diploma Course
way to fix your JAMB failure is to enrol for a diploma which is more expensive
than the pre-degree but caters for many courses. Another benefit of registering
for a diploma is that when you pass the final exams, you head straight to two
hundred levels in the University rather hundred levels. If you cannot get the
cut- off point to gain admission, you can also use your result to apply for
Universities in foreign countries as it will get accepted as
Enrol In A Foreign University
If you cannot enrol for a pre-degree or diploma, you can apply to study in foreign country universities through scholarships or sponsored by your parents. Take SAT/TOEFL courses to increase your eligibility for admission into the University. If you don’t want the stress of writing the SAT exam, you can apply to Universities in neighbouring companies such as Ghana or South Africa.
Other things to do while waiting for the JAMB include:
Register For A Professional Examination
than stay at home and sulk at your JAMB failure, you can take the bulls by the
horn and make your stay at home until the next JAMB is worthwhile. How do you
do this? Enrol for professional examinations with organisations like ICAN,
CIPM, etc. Pass all the exams before you can become an associate
Most students write these exams after they graduate because most companies would require professional certifications for them to be eligible for employment. So, it’s better you begin the process now you have the time.
Learn A Skill
If it will not affect you studying for the next JAMB exam, you can opt to learn a skill such as fashion designing, shoe and bag making, web development, Microsoft office, hairdressing, graphics design.
With the
rate of unemployment in the country, learning a skill will help you either
become self-
But remember not to pick up any skill that will make you too tired to study for your exams. If this is the case, then it is better to learn a skill after your JAMB exams.
Travelling to new places improves your perspectives on life and gives you the chance to meet new people who might help you tomorrow.
Take this opportunity to visit relatives you’ve not seen in a while and also to see new places. You can do this after the exam so it doesn’t interrupt your studying.
JAMB does not mean you are a failure. It doesn’t say you are not smart or
intelligent. You only need to put in extra effort to make success happen. Here
is a word of wisdom to meditate on, “Failure is
It may be difficult to go back to reading again after all the effort you must have put in while studying for the exam but if you don’t want to consider other alternatives which we will list in this article, pull yourself together and study one more time.
There is an idiom that goes, “Once bitten, twice shy.” Now you know what the exam entails, you are now in a better position to prepare better. We will look at what you can do to fix things if you’ve failed the JAMB:
Prepare For The Next Jamb Earlier
You might have failed the JAMB or achieved a poor JAMB result because you didn’t study well prior to the exam or JAMB didn’t release your result. Another reason is that you might have decided that there was no need to go through the JAMB syllabus or JAMB past questions and relied only on your secondary school notes.
You might have also been too busy with other activities like an after-school job which didn’t give you enough time to study properly for your exams. Another reason you might have failed JAMB was that you arrived late to the exam centre which made you disorganised or disqualified.
You need to identify the things that made you get a poor score in JAMB and avoid them. If you have a job that does not give you the time to read, resign and focus on one thing at a time. Take out time to cover your JAMB syllabus and also solve the past questions as they will help you calculate your accuracy and also identify areas you need to improve.
Study for the exams early so you can cover the JAMB syllabus before the exams. If you are through with secondary school, enrol in a tutorial center to keep your brain active and learn how to ace the exams. You can go through our Definitive Guide: How to Pass your JAMB examination for more information.
Alternatives To JAMB
If you have failed JAMB and you don’t want to wait for another year to write the exams, you can immediately choose from the alternatives before the opportunity is over.
Register For A Pre-Degree Course
Many universities offer pre-degree courses students through which students can gain admission into that university. If you feel that JAMB is another long wait and you need to stay busy, you can enrol for a pre-degree course in universities that offer it. These courses are mainly science courses so it’s best for a student who wants to study a science or engineering course.
If you can sit for their exams, you will get express entry into the university with no JAMB result. But you need to be careful not to put all your eggs in a basket. It is advisable to sit for both the pre-degree and JAMB exams.
Enrol For A Diploma Course
Another way to fix your JAMB failure is to enrol for a diploma which is more expensive than the pre-degree but caters for many courses. Another benefit of registering for a diploma is that when you pass the final exams, you head straight to two hundred levels in the University rather hundred levels. If you cannot get the cut- off point to gain admission, you can also use your result to apply for Universities in foreign countries as it will get accepted as an A-level result. There are different diploma programs you can enrol which are Jupeb, IJMB, KWASU degree program, and Nabteb A level.
Enrol In A Foreign University
If you cannot enrol for a pre-degree or diploma, you can apply to study in foreign country universities through scholarships or sponsored by your parents. Take SAT/TOEFL courses to increase your eligibility for admission into the University. If you don’t want the stress of writing the SAT exam, you can apply to Universities in neighbouring companies such as Ghana or South Africa.
Other things to do while waiting for the JAMB.
Register For A Professional Examination
Rather than stay at home and sulk at your JAMB failure, you can take the bulls by the horn and make your stay at home until the next JAMB is worthwhile. How do you do this? Enrol for professional examinations with organisations like ICAN, CIPM, etc. Pass all the exams before you can become an associate be awarded a certificate.
Most students write these exams after they graduate because most companies would require professional certifications for them to be eligible for employment. So, it’s better you begin the process now you have the time.
Learn A Skill
If it will not affect you studying for the next JAMB exam, you can opt to learn a skill such as fashion designing, shoe and bag making, web development, Microsoft office, hairdressing, graphics design.
With the rate of unemployment in the country, learning a skill will help you either become self-employed or add a side income to your day job. It is also better than sitting at home being idle as you can’t possibly study 24 hours a day, but if you can, then no one is stopping you.
But remember not to pick up any skill that will make you too tired to study for your exams. If this is the case, then it is better to learn a skill after your JAMB exams.
Traveling to new places improves your perspectives on life and gives you the chance to meet new people who might help you tomorrow.
Take this opportunity to visit relatives you’ve not seen in a while and also to see new places. You can do this after the exam so it doesn’t interrupt your studying.
Failing JAMB does not mean you are a failure. It doesn’t say you are not smart or intelligent. You only need to put in extra effort to make success happen. Here is a word of wisdom to meditate on, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”- Henry Ford